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  • Jonathan Morris

It's the most wonderful time of the year... for witnessing

It remains an incredible privilege to be heading up the new Hit The Streets evangelism ministry at Berean Bible Church of Pottstown.

This past Saturday -- Small Business Saturday, for those of you checking your calendars at home -- we organized a team of nine people to go out and share the gospel.

Our original plan for the day was to zero in on the area surrounding a small business market in downtown Pottstown. As an evangelist, I am always looking for larger concentrations of people to distribute tracts to, and I thought this outdoor market figured to be a good one.

Unfortunately, after a small amount of work there, we were asked by the organizers of the event to leave. This was ironic, considering we were handing out Santa tracts literally in view of the guy they hired to wear a Santa outfit all day, but we moved on nonetheless.

Genesis 50:20 tells us that what the enemy means for evil, God is capable of using for good. I believe that was the case in this case. So praise God that we were redirected. We ended up walking up and down High Street in Pottstown, connecting with a slew of people that we would not have seen otherwise.

It was weird because it felt like a quiet morning on High Street, yet the Lord kept producing souls for us. It's hard to get an accurate count, but I believe as many as 500 tracts went out.

One guy was even brought to tears upon receiving his Santa tract.

Christmas is one of my favorite times of year to witness. It is the only time of year when you can go out in modern America and expect to hear songs about Jesus at the grocery store or in the public square. You'll hear songs about mommy kissing Santa Claus, too, but there will always be songs about the literal birth of our Savior mixed in there as well.

This is amazing, and I don't think many Christians stop to realize what a blessing this is. You would never experience such a thing in July!

First Corinthians 3:5-7 tells us that our job is to plant or water seeds, and trust that God will give the growth in people's hearts. This may be the best time of year to trust in this biblical truth. We always trust that God is sowing seeds of the gospel everywhere, but this is the one time of year we can hear it with our ears and see it with our eyes.

I encourage every Christian everywhere to use this time to fulfill the Great Commission. If you have never handed out tracts before, go grab some Christmas-themed tracts from One Million Tracts, Moments With The Book, Gospel Tract Planet, or Living Waters, and give it a shot.

It is truly the most wonderful time of year... for witnessing.


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